Only $2.99 per lb!
It's basically the same bacon as the center cut, but it's any cut and not perfect cuts, but same great flavor. Some pieces can be really thin, some thick and everything in between. It's the "leftovers" after cutting perfect pieces (the middle option).
This was one of our best sellers as it was such a good deal. And then they stopped producing it for a while.
Well, it's back after many years, but this time, they make them and throw them in the freezer because they couldn't predict how long they would have them. So they are frozen. When you get these, you just need to spend a day defrosting in your fridge and then you can separate and repack how you want and re-freeze them. So that is the caveat with this $2.99 bacon deal. But for those that know, it's 1000% worth it for budget and getting a good quality (albeit perhaps ugly slices) bacon.
As requested by many of our members who want that same AMAZING flavor, quality and delicious bacon experience, but for the more budget cuts of bacon, we are happy to introduce the Budget Cut Bacon Option through Daily's Pioneer Brand of Big Buy Bacon.
By choosing this bacon option, you are saving another $2 per lb. over already reduced co-op prices. What you are NOT sacrificing is taste, quality, freshness as it is the same pigs and processing plant under the Big Buy label from Daily's Pioneer Brand bacon.
The difference in this cut is that it is the lower belly, which tends to be around 30% fattier than our normal high-quality center-cut option. The lower belly of a pig is the fattier part. So these are the cuts from that part of the pig, but most actually enjoy this bacon option more!
This is perfect for Keto as well! Also, the cuts are inconsistent. Some are extra thick and some are thin, with most being thick cut. So if you are fine with the fattier pieces and some inconsistent cuts, you can save another $2.50 per lb over our most popular cut.
It's basically the same bacon as the center cut, but it's any cut and not perfect cuts, but same great flavor. Some pieces can be really thin, some thick and everything in between. It's the "leftovers" after cutting perfect pieces (the middle option).
This was one of our best sellers as it was such a good deal. And then they stopped producing it for a while.
Well, it's back after many years, but this time, they make them and throw them in the freezer because they couldn't predict how long they would have them. So they are frozen. When you get these, you just need to spend a day defrosting in your fridge and then you can separate and repack how you want and re-freeze them. So that is the caveat with this $2.99 bacon deal. But for those that know, it's 1000% worth it for budget and getting a good quality (albeit perhaps ugly slices) bacon.
Please browse the photos for variations in cuts in the same case, but rest assured the flavor and quality is above par!