Meet Sarah: Site Lead For Davis County

Meet Sarah: Site Lead For Davis County

Meet Sarah

My name is Sarah and I am your site lead for Davis County! Here’s a little about me. My husband and I just celebrated 8 years of marriage and have 3 hilarious little kids; 2 girls and a wild little boy. We also have a cat named Mud, a potbelly pig named Julia, and a handful of chickens.

We love to spend as much time as we can in the water. Whether boating, swimming, wave runners, or playing on the shore, we are all happiest outside and near/in water. I also love camping, my husband slightly less so but he puts up with me. But if you ask my girls, the only place they ever want to be is Seaside, Oregon and the Tillamook factory. I wholeheartedly agree!

I am a professional photographer but spend most of my days keeping my little hooligans entertained. Art, crafts, splash pads, parks, and a lot of housework fill my days and my heart! Doing a pumpkin head in 2021 was a hilarious event we will do every year!

I am loving working for the co-op and we LOVE all of the beef and BBQ boxes. As the resident grill commander in charge of smoking all meats at our house, you can’t go wrong with a big box of meats!

I am always happy to help in any way I can, just ask! I have lots of faces to remember but I will do my best!

We love having Sarah on the Site Lead team!

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Can’t wait to try this out.

1580w 3940s Hardridge

Sara, I have tried to join and pay the $39 for three days. The site is WAY UNCLEAR how to do it, completion buttons fail to work, completion takes me in circles, web site does not clearly show how, messages go unanswered. Bit frustrated. Need help with sign up and paying.



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